Lanley Homes


Lanley Homes are always looking for new sites within the North West of England.
Lanley will consider the following.

Consented Sites

(Detailed or Outline)
For between 3 & 25 houses

Consented Sites

(Detailed or Outline)
For over 25 houses

Land Without Planning Permission

Lanley specialise in providing small volume quality developments and would like to hear from agents, architects, planning consultants and land owners who have sites with planning suitable for the development of between 3 and 25 houses.

We can provide quick market assessments and development appraisal and have funds available to complete purchases without the need for finance.









Lanley Homes will look at undertaking medium sized housing developments on a partnership  / joint venture agreement with local house builders.

We would like to hear from agents, architects, planning consultants and land owners who have sites with planning for over 25 houses. 

Lanley Homes or the wider group will enter into agreements with landlowners to undertake planning on their behalf and at Lanley’s cost and risk. Agreed purchase parameters are agreed at the commencement of such an agreement giving surety and certainty to land owners without the risk and cost associated with planning.

Please contact

to discuss your or your clients land.




House Builders Association
National Federation of Builders
Consumer Code For Home Builders
Approved Code

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